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JOB ContactIn 2023, share of female employees in total workforce is 17.41%, better than other horizontal entity. We set up the target 17.5% in 2025.
CPDC training system adopts a dual-track model of management and technical specialization, and provides different development paths according to the attributes of different levels and functions, combining the characteristics and aspirations of individuals to provide appropriate development paths to maximize their talents and sound career development for all employees, regardless of gender and race, with equal opportunities for promotion and development.
We valued and thinks a great deal with our training system. It is our belief that throughout the efforts will make the company move forward continuously. Therefore, courses such as initial training, on-the-job training, professional skills training and self-development are all set out in the relevant provisions.
Not only we organize regular classes, management training and general training courses each year, but we also hold a variety of courses and seminars from time to time. It has adopted the concept with the latest technology, skills and trends to help colleagues to expand their horizon.
On top of the basic training courses, we will arrange and designated a mentor for newcomers, who can provide guidance for colleagues to take in our culture easily.
We provide professional courses both internally and externally in the workplace. According to the regulations, colleagues will take and obtain licenses in their profession. Through job rotation, project assignments and overseas training, they will gain additional skill which enriches the depth in their field. Future planning and suggestions is also given that we can nurture a full aspect talents
We encourage our colleagues to develop themselves and provide diverse learning options such as foreign language learning, self-studying and courses in digital knowledge. Equipped with training and support, we give them the opportunities to develop in their career
All employees should accept the general training like developing or enhance their own skills, which may include job training, leadership training, communication, on-the-job training, etc.
Especially the employees who woring at creatin revenue department, such like facory, RD, who needs to complete the professioinal training like ISO internal auditor education and training for factory colleagues, occupational safety and health training, etc., we provide employees with the basic skills to perform their daily tasks.
In 2023, Average hours per PTE of training and development: 52 hours.
And average amount spent per PTE on training and development: NTD 4,293.46
Excellent Salary and bonus
Excess Benefits
Retirement system: Under the old retirement system, retirement reserves are allocated monthly according to the law and deposited into the "Labor Retirement Reserve Special Account" of the Bank of Taiwan;
1. Provision ratio and status of provision under the old and new systems:
Old system: Employers allocate 6.5% of workers' total monthly wages to the special labor retirement reserve account on a monthly basis.
New system: Employers will allocate 6% of the workers’ total monthly labor retirement insurance coverage to their individual labor pension accounts on a monthly basis.
2.Withdrawal status:
Old system: As of 2024/01/31, a total of 107 people have been allocated.
New system: As of 2024/01/31, a total of 1,018 people have been allocated.
3. Procedures and conditions for employees to apply for retirement,
Conditions for applying for retirement: "Working for more than 15 years and reaching the age of 55", "Working for more than 25 years" or "Working for more than 10 years and reaching the age of 60"
Procedures for employees to apply for retirement:
A. Retirement approaching: For colleagues who are 65 years old or older, the company will initiate the retirement application process.
B. Meet retirement qualifications: Colleagues fill out the retirement application form, the unit supervisor approves it, and the Human Resources Department initiates the retirement process.
4. Pension Management Committee:
There are nine committee members and three officers. It meets once every quarter.
The tasks of the committee are as follows:
1. Matters concerning the review of the suspension of appropriation of labor retirement reserves.
2. Matters concerning the verification of the amount appropriated for labor retirement reserves.
three. Matters concerning the review of the storage and expenditure of labor retirement reserve funds.
4. Matters regarding verification of the amount of labor pension benefits.
5. Other supervision matters related to labor retirement preparations.
CPDC regularly conducts employee satisfaction surveys to improve the working environment, attract and retain talents.
The results of the 2023 employee engagement survey show that most employees believe that the company's salary and working environment can meet their requirements, and believe that the company can create a stable and high-quality life. Management has high expectations for action based on the findings.
In terms of establishing employee voice, CPDC has established multiple channels for employees to express their opinions:
1. The trade union will hold meetings every quarter, and labor representatives will communicate directly with each other.
2. In addition, in accordance with the "Measures for the Management of Resigned Personnel", we will arrange a conversation for resigning personnel, solicit their valuable opinions that feedback would help us to improve the situation, and understand employees' true thoughts for further improvements.
We had operated the satisfied survey that questionair including Job satisfaction, Stress, Purpose and Hapiness. According the survey of employee satisfaction, we have 62.6% top level satisfied and that questions cover 62.5% managers in 2024. We'll improve our role and extend the survey for all employees in 2025.
CPDC attaches great importance to the human rights of all colleagues, recognizes and voluntarily follows the "United Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights", "United Nations Global Covenant", "United Nations Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights", "United Nations International Labor Organization" and other internationally recognized human rights standards, and complies with Taiwan's Labor Standards Act , and announced the "CPDC Human Rights Policy" to respect the protections stipulated in the human rights convention.
The company regularly reviews its operations, value chain, business activities and other related activities every year by paying attention to major social issues, data monitoring, questionnaires, etc., to identify and evaluate groups at risk and potential human rights risks. Based on potential risks Develop human rights due diligence and continuously monitor and improve plan implementation results
And we provide 4 weeks maternity leave if unfortually abortion with pregnant for more than 3 months, and 2 weeks leave off if abortion with pregnent more than 2 months,5 days leave off if abortion with pregnent within 2 months.
We provide 5 days paid leave for prenatal examination for all female employees and 7 days paternity paid leave for her mate.
We are holding numbers of leisure activities like exhibition and cultural shows to be taken part in, providing peer to communicate with each other and opinions exchanging are welcomed.