National-level industrial park development

National level industrial park development

Since 1970, BES Engineering Inc., an associated group company, has taken on government contracts to manage industrial zone rental and leasing services. As of 2021, there are 37 total projects with a total development area of 8,656 acres, introducing over 6000 factories and companies, establishing BES in a leadership position in industrial zone development.

Facing the impact of the Internet Era and Globalization, BES provides a service to satisfy the demands of local and international companies and industries. Providing an integrated industrial zone land development service, including providing services and information, the Company established a dedicated service website "Industrial Zone Service Network" (, to provide industrial zone related information and consultation services. We welcome visitors to actively visit the site.


Co-op Opportunities

We look forwardd to working with professionals through joint development and new landmark planning, to infuse new energy and to lead speedy industrial development, to revitalize land resources and promote local community co-prosperity.

Contact CPDC Land Development